Information is provided on new habitats for 44 taxa, based on the results of field studies from 2008 to 2023, supplementing data on individual botanical and geographical regions of Azerbaijan. For 20 species, new places of distribution were identified in the botanicalgeographical region of the Greater Caucasus (GC) Guba part, 16 species were found in the eastern GC and two species in the western GC, four species ‒ in the Samur-Devechi lowland, one species each ‒ in Gobustan, Absheron, Lankaran and Caspian lowlands. Some taxa were identified both in the Guba and eastern part of GC. Among these plants six are endemics of the Caucasus (Aquilegia olympica, Galanthus alpinus var. alpinus, Hedera pastuchovii, Senecio pojarkovae, Tulipa undulatifolia var. undulatifolia (T. eichleri Regel), Ziziphora clinopodioides subsp. clinopodioides (Z. serpyllacea M. Bieb.)), two endemics of Azerbaijan (Iris schischkinii, Rosa azerbaidshanica), five rare and endangered taxa (Aquilegia olympica, Ophrys sphegodes subsp. mammosa, Ophrys oestrifera, Rosa azerbaidshanica, Tulipa schmidtii). The data obtained expand scientific knowledge about endemic, rare and endangered species of the flora of Azerbaijan, included in the Red Books of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1989, 2013, 2023), are important for the development of measures to ensure their safety. This source of information is necessary for the compilation of the new edition of “Flora of Azerbaijan”. To a certain extent, this study also echoes other works and the brief results of the taxonomic composition study of the republic flora.