The article analyzes the vegetation around the Yenikend reservoir within a radius of 2500 m. The vegetation cover around the reservoir consists of semi-desert, shrub, wetland and oasis types of vegetation containing 21 associations. By studying their distribution, species composition and the relationship between structural components, the cenose-forming, dominant and subdominant species, as well as edificators and subedificators were determined in existing types of vegetation. Based on remote sensing method, natural vegetation types and anthropogenic objects (agrophytocenoses and residential areas) were decoded Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS). During the study, 5 types of natural vegetation were identified including semi-desert vegetation, wetland vegetation, shrub vegetation, oasis vegetation, forest vegetation (in the form of remains) and 2 anthropogenic objects including agrophytocenoses and residential areas. The buffer zone within a radius from the coastline of the Yenikend reservoir was chosen as the basis for decoding.