The Pteridophytes distributed within the borders of Kaçkar Mountains National Park are presented. Comparative diagnostic and microscopic studies showed that 49 ferns were distributed in the study area during different periods of the growing season. It has been determined that the region has a rich flora diversity, including Pteridophyta represented by 28 taxa, 11 families and 11 genera. The distribution of families according to the number of taxa within the boundaries of the research area are Dryopteridacea (9), Aspleniaceae (5), Athyriaceae (3), Equisetaceae (2), Lycopodiaceae (2), Thelypteridacea (2), Polypodiaceae (1), Ophioglossaceae (1), Pteridaceae (1), Cystopteridaceae (1), Dennstaedtiaceae (1) and 10 genera such as Dryoprteis (7), Asplenium (5), Athyrium (2), Equisetum (2), Polystichum (1), Polypodium (1), Cryptogramma (1), Phegopteris (1), Oreopteris (1), Lycopodium (is in the form 1). The richest families are Dryopteridacea (9), Aspleniaceae (5), and genera are Dryoprteis (7) and Asplenium (5).