The article presents the results of long-term monitoring of Tulipa riparia Knjasev, Kulikov et Philippov coenopopulations from family Liliaceae Juss., growing on the territory of the South Ural reserve. It is shown that the cenopopulation is characterized by significant fluctuations in density, number and vitality of individuals, age spectra, morphometric characteristics depending on weather and climate conditions. The age spectrum of the coenopopulation is normal, right-sided, with a predominance of non-flowering individuals. A stress-protective ontogenetic life strategy has been identified for the territory of the reserve. In terms of apophytism, T. riparia belongs to the group of species that are relatively resistant to anthropogenic impact. Moderate anthropogenic load in the form of haymaking in the areas where the species grows has a positive effect on the population characteristics, vitality of individuals and vitality type of coenopopulation.